Measure and Analyze


Advanced attribution modeling delivers predictive analytics and full path to conversion ROI

Powerful Analytics On-Demand

On-demand metrics and analytics dashboards gives you the ability to see where your customers are coming from, how you are engaging them and what the ROI is of all omni-channel campaigns in real-time. AI/ML-based optimization models automatically adapt your campaigns to best performing channels, ads, and creative.

Power of Analytics

Real-time data and analytic dashboards gives you the information you need to understand your customers and predict future trends

  • User Growth
  • Engagement Rates 
  • Cost per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Cost Per Click
  • Measure View Throughs

On-Demand Data Dashboards

  • Test hundreds of creative variations

    Test and measure how your creative, messages, and assests, influence your customers. The ADVERTR platform optimizes for the best-performing campaigns. 

  • Leverage advanced experimentation

    Quickly launch test-and-learn campaigns and receive real-time feedback on performance and impact on audiences prior to scaling. 

  • Identify the right audiences

    Understand how your campaigns are performing across different demographics, affinity audiences, and aspirational audiences and adjust to deliver better ROI. 

  • Optimize based on conversion data

    Connect to macro and micro points of conversion on your website and shopping cart. Understand where drop-offs are happening and calibration campaigns to deliver higher conversion and less cost.

Make Every Ad Count

Full path-to-conversion ROI data enables you to understand the full lifecycle of your audiences, the media that they interact with, which ones are influential and which ones are attributable to conversions and the amount of  time that it takes to convert. The ADVERTR platform automatically optimizes campaigns based on higher efficiency.

Access a Marketplace of 225+ Partners

The ADVERTR platform is fully integrated with all tier-1 programmatic inventory, programmatic direct inventory, and propriety network partnerships including all leading DMPs, and combines first and third-party data with the world's most sophisticated DSP to deliver and scale your campaigns across all digital, social and mobile channels.


Over 90% of the worlds audiences can be reached via the ADVERTR platform and all digital, social and mobile channels.


Access premium, tier-1 inventory on all blue chip sites, niche sites, OTT, CTV, social platforms, apps, and other digital platforms.


The ADVERTR platform leverages data and insights from over 4 billion campaign interactions annually enabling your campaigns to perform above benchmark.

Persona-Driven Creative

Develop campaigns that align to your target audiences using persona-driven audience modeling. Track and measure performance based on each audience segment. Optimize campaign creative, spend and conversions based on how your campings influence each segment. Scale and model the highest converters.

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